We represent Techcorr, leading company in the market. Guided waves in buried or aereal lines, AUT, PAUT AUT, PAUT, PASRUT, PEC, SRUT, EMAT in oven. Detection of HTHA with certified Lavender inspector. Detection and measuring of SCC.
Guided Wave Technique.
Technology based in long range ultrasonic for the detection of metal loss in pipelines.
It is a pulse-eco system for the inspection of high volumes of material from a single testing point. The objective of the technique is to inspect lengths of pipe rapidly with the 100% coverage of the well and identify corrosion areas and/or erosion for the additional evaluation using other non destructive techniques.
Equally sensitive to the metal loss in the external and internal surfaces of the pipes.
Particularly useful for the inspection of pipelines that are not accessible.
AUT is capable of inspecting pressure vessels, pipelines, storage tanks and other equipments on service for detecting possible related damage with the service. AUT offers a complete volumetric inspection that provides details on the degradation of the base material, such as erosion, corrosion, hydrogen blisters, cracks induced by hydrogen (HIC), intergrain cracking or gradual. This system also can be used in the inspection of welds for the detection of defects related with the service or manufacturing that implements the techniques of diffusion by impulse-eco or the time of flight diffraction (TOFD).
Techcorr USA has developed the technique of PASRUT for the detection and measurement of metal underneath support in pipes beginning in 1’’ diameter.
Also applicable to vertical tanks that count with floor projection for detection and measurement of corrosion in the ring zone.
It is used for detecting corrosion underneath insulation. The main benefit of this technique is measurement through most of the materials.
Metal Insulation Coating.
Material between the probe and the steel: coating material, wiring, concrete reinforcement bars, corrosion products, sea water, etc.
The guided waves can be used to cover distances in the range of millimeters up to dozens of meters. The two techniques most common techniques for on service inspection are Long Range UT (LRUT) and Medium Range UT (MRUT). EMAT covers exclusively the medium range (MRUT).
MRUT is used both in the attenuation mode as in reflection to cover short distances.
The sensitive probes are mounted in scanners for inspecting portions of pipes and tanks. Typically working in frequencies of 100 kHz up to 1 MHz, and can detect little pitting (x10 more sensitive than LRUT). The waves generated by the scanner MRUT-C are volumetric, type Lamb and transversal, ideals for detection all type of discontinuities both superficial and internal. The results of the scanning reflected are represented as zones of yellow/red color.
The indications are represented in the scan B in only one way, reason why the indications must be marked in the pipe in two directions for characterizing them with other quantitative means of END.
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) is a combination of corrosive attacks when a metal is under stress and a corrosive environment.
Generally, the most popular techniques to identify SCC is the inspection by Magnetic Particles and/or dye penetrant testing. However, these techniques do not allow an adequate measurement of the real depth of the cracks.
Techcorr uses inspection equipments of superficial Eddy Current with last generation coils and high resolution TECA. The technology of tangential arrangement of Eddy Current (TECA) allows the detection and measurement of open SCC colonies to the surface.
FMC. Capture of the Complete Matrix is the natural evolution of the technology of phase’s arrangement. It consists in the data harvest in which each element is pulsed in sequence, and each one of the elementary details of the ultrasonic pulse.
TFM. Is a processing method that uses harvested data of the FMC to generate a frame of pixels where each pixel is calculated using a focal law. This allows detection and measurement crack colonies such as SCC in a way more precise than PAUT.